- Esaú Vicente Vivas, E.A. Jiménez Madrigal, F.J. Gómez Islas, Z.L. Carrizales Muñoz, Flight Computer for a Human Resources Training System in Small Satellite Technology, Revista: Research On Computer Science, Special Issue: Industrial Informatics, Vol. 31, pp.163-172 , ISSN: 1870-4069, Centro de Investigación en Computación, IPN, México, DF, November 2007. Indexed in LATINDEX.
- Esaú Vicente-Vivas, Israel Nava, Victor Lomas, Jorge Morales, E. A. Jiménez, Z. Carrizales and F. Gómez, “Steps towards the development of a portable and cost-effective system for human resources training in small satellite technology”, Revista: Research On Computer Science, Control, Virtual Instrumentation and Digital Systems, Vol. 24, pp.117-130 , ISSN: 1870-4069, Centro de Investigación en Computación, IPN, México, DF, November 2006. Indexed in LATINDEX.
- Ante Salcedo and Esaú Vicente Vivas, “Proposal for a nanosatellite microwave communication system, to achieve energy savings, high capacity data transmission, and position control feedback”, Revista: Research On Computer Science, Control, Virtual Instrumentation and Digital Systems, Vol. 24, pp.65-73, ISSN: 1870-4069, Centro de Investigación en Computación, IPN, México, DF, November 2006. Indexed in LATINDEX.
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